Egotistical Superiority
Northern and Southern people don't hate
each other. The hate is in specific extremist minorities in Northern
Ireland. Half the population is Catholic and the other half is
Protestant. Catholics usually prefer to be categorized as Irish and
Nationalist (or more extremists as Republican), while Protestants
usually prefer to be categorized as British and Unionist (or more
extremists as Loyalist). This friction was created by Britain and
ironically, the Irish can't fix it.
In what was to become Northern Ireland,
the lands of the independent Catholic Gaelic nobility were
confiscated and given to Protestant settlers from England and
Scotland. This is similar to what Truman, Britain and the United
Nations did when they imperialistically took Palestinian land and
gave it to Jews for the creation of Israel.
England, as usual, screwed up Ireland
when they intervened in that nation and couldn't win the southern
area. England then shipped in Scotts to Northern Ireland to help
cement English control. The resulting killings and
extremism--because of English politics and religion--still leaves the
nation divided. Divide, create chaos and conquer.
Britain has screwed up many nations
with their imperialism and trying to inflict their culture and
language upon the conquered nations. Spain has done the same thing.
Most people think of South Americans as Spanish but they were not
originally. The Spanish went into S.A., conquered the people, stole
their gold, gave them diseases and a new language all under the
auspice of 'founding a new country.' They use the word 'found'
instead of 'invade and ravage' to make people believe they are doing
a good thing.
Look at this time line of the Spanish
conquest of South America. The tactics used here by Europeans is
used over and over again, even today.
The Spanish colonists of Hispaniola begin importing African slaves
Jews escape the Portuguese Inquisition by emigrating to Brazil
Nov 1519:
Hernan Cortez reaches the capital of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan,
and captures the emperor, Montezuma
Smallpox outbreak in Mexico
Jun 1520: Cortez is defeated by the Aztecs
Jun 1520: Cortez is defeated by the Aztecs
Aug 1521:
Cortez defeats the Aztecs and conquers their capital Tenochtitlan
Pascual de Andagoya explores South America and learns about the Inca
Pizarro, the priest Hernando de Luque and the soldier Diego de
Almagro organize an expedition in Panama to explore and conquer South
1524: Smallpox outbreak in Peru
1524: Smallpox outbreak in Peru
Cortes' lieutenant Pedro de Alvarado founds the city of Guatemala
Holy Roman emperor and Spanish king Karl V grants Venezuela to the
Augsburg banking family Welser
Nov 1532:
Francisco Pizarro defeats the Inca army led by Atahuallpa at
Cajamarca after the Inca Empire has been decimated by smallpox and
takes the emperor hostage
Jul 1533:
Pizarro executes Inca emperor Atahuallpa
Pope Paul III issues a Papal Bull to affirm that the Indios of Latin
America are equal to Europeans and therefore entitled to receive
African blacks are shipped as slaves to Brazil
Pizarro is assassinated by an Almagrista
Silver is discovered in Potosi (Bolivia)
Silver is discovered in Zacatecas (Mexico)
The population of Santo Domingo has declined from 100,000 in 1492 to
Portugal ships female orphans and African slaves to the colonists of
Bartolome` de las Casas's "Brevisima Relacion de la Destruycion
de las Indias" is published in Europe, accusing Spain of having
killed 12 million "Indians" since 1492
Chile's governor Valdivia is defeated and killed by the Araucanian
TM, ®, Copyright © 2008 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved.
1554: Jesuits led by Jose de Anchieta found the mission and school of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
1555: French colonists build a fort in the bay of Rio de Janeiro (France Antarctique)
1555: Portuguese sailors transmit smallpox to Brazil, that exterminates the Indios of the coast
TM, ®, Copyright © 2008 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved.
1554: Jesuits led by Jose de Anchieta found the mission and school of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
1555: French colonists build a fort in the bay of Rio de Janeiro (France Antarctique)
1555: Portuguese sailors transmit smallpox to Brazil, that exterminates the Indios of the coast
The Welser are stripped of their rights on Venezuela
Pedro Menendez founds San Agustin in Florida
Don Francisco de Toledo is appointed viceroy of Peru
1570: A tribunal of the Inquisition is instituted in Lima, Peru
1571: The Inca leader Tupac Amaru rebels in Peru but he is captured and beheaded
1570: A tribunal of the Inquisition is instituted in Lima, Peru
1571: The Inca leader Tupac Amaru rebels in Peru but he is captured and beheaded
There are 160,000 Spaniards in America
1576: A smallpox epidemics in Mexico kills more than a million people
1576: A smallpox epidemics in Mexico kills more than a million people
Spain forbids the American colonies from conferring any public office
to mestizos (mixed-blood people)
Brazil has a population of 57,000, of which 20,000 Portuguese, 18,000
Indios, 14,000 African slaves, and 5,000 mamelucos/mestizos
Black slaves constitute about 25% of Brazil's population
The population of Mexico has declined from 25 million (1490) to 1
million (1605), mostly due to diseases
Smallpox outbreak in Brazil
In Europe Spain fights against France, Holland and England in the
"Thirty Years' War"
The Catholic Church foments anti-government riots in Ciudad de Mexico
Dutch colons colonize north-eastern Brazil
1624: England takes St Kitts from Spain
1627: England takes Barbados from Spain
1628: The West India Company seizes 170 thousand kgs of silver from Spanish ships at Cape Matanza in Cuba
1624: England takes St Kitts from Spain
1627: England takes Barbados from Spain
1628: The West India Company seizes 170 thousand kgs of silver from Spanish ships at Cape Matanza in Cuba
Brazilian paulistas/mamelucos (slave gatherers) attack the Jesuit
Jews found Curacao
Gold is discovered in Minas Geraes, Brazil, causing a gold rush in
the West, and the center of power shifts from the Northeast towards
Rio de Janeiro
1695: The Portuguese exterminate the Quilombo dos Palmares
1695: Gold is discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
1703: Spain authorizes the colonies to confer public office to mestizos
1695: The Portuguese exterminate the Quilombo dos Palmares
1695: Gold is discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
1703: Spain authorizes the colonies to confer public office to mestizos
The peace of Utrecht allows Britain to export African slaves to
Spanish America (1,200 a year to Buenos Aires)
Diamonds are found in Minas Gerais
And the pattern
is used over and over again. The tactics the Spanish used, including
the Popes, are the same as England's and France's. These tactics
were also used in the United States during the mid-1900s, when
foreigners began pouring into the United States not as legal
immigrants, but as 'political refugees,' 'illegals' and later as
professionals and engineers taking American jobs. But this time it
isn't the Imperialists of old doing it.
Machiavelli was
right: It is easier to injure a kind man because he cannot hurt you.
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