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Monday, December 31, 2012

Messiah, Menorah and MAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association )

Who knew? Who knew what honoring the Menorah and and the Jewish zealot's holiday of Hanukkah could produce? Who knew that letting three percent of the American population celebrate their holiday at the same time as Catholics and Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ could produce?

Well, we have found out. Three percent of America's population has dictated to the other ninety-seven percent that the Jew Zealots are the rulers. So, what comes next? Yep, you guessed it. NAMBLA celebrating THEIR holiday....sex with young boys.

After five years of investigating Jewish control of U.S. media and government, I have found that Americans are really stupid. 'Ignorant' comes to mind as a word to describe liberal Americans but 'stupid' seem more appropriate. If three percent of the population can dictate how we celebrate the birth of Christ, it is an easy next step to understand that NAMBLA is close to celebrating the sexual revolution of our young boys.

Oh, I'm sorry if you have a son that is under the age of 18. Or an grandson. Sorry that your child could be victim to some adult predator. But that is the way it is. You see, Jewish Zealots are single-minded psychopaths and WAY beyond your compassion or understanding.

So, let your young boys be gobbled up by male adults because that is their 'religion.' You may not call it 'religion' but it is. It is an ideology. You have unwittingly played into the hands of the enemy.

My son is grown. He won't fall prey to NAMBLA. I don't particularly care if your son or grandson does. But you let the stupidity grow lethal when you do nothing. It's up to you. 'Who Knew' is an Israeli phrase to promote tourism to Israel. I say 'have at it' you Jewish perverts at taking our young boys and sexually perverting them. I don't care. I don't have any young boys you can prey on.

Call me apathetic. I am realistic. Let your sons and grandsons fall prey to the next 'religious holiday' called NAMBLA. I don't care. Do you?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The December 14, 2012 Massacre in Connecticut

What can be done to prevent another massacre of innocent children in our schools? For the present, all doors should be locked and the teachers should have magnets in the door frame that they can pull out in seconds to close the door. It takes too much time to use a key to lock it (the teacher would have to stand in the hall to lock it) and substitute teachers are at a substantial disadvantage because they don't even have keys.

Secondly, retired police officers with CCW licenses should be hired to work in the school every day in dress clothes, not uniforms. Since substitute teachers work for about $10 an hour, $15 an hour for the retired officers would be fair.

But to me, the main question is 'how did it come to this' and can it be fixed? Yes. These killers came about because of the change in our society fifty years ago. After Civil Rights and desegregation, which loosened the public's hold on the family, the Welfare State became bloated with girls having babies without fathers. Then, as if this were planned, movies became violent and perverted; comic books became lewd and violent; busing caused violence in schools; video games became graphic and violent; movies like 'The Warriors' glorified street gangs; television shows became senseless, mean and perverted; the music became thumping, violent and perverted; people like Madonna encouraged lewdness, sex, kissing other females and very little clothes. And too many children are being drugged legally while drug manufacturers write that they “don't know why the drug works,” turning intelligent children into zombies.

These killings did not happen in a vacuum. If anyone in our government truly wants these senseless killings to stop, and I do not believe they do, they must fix the media. I listened to some commentator this morning talking about the killings and he blamed guns. He mentioned the lobbies that are crippling this nation like the National Rifle Association but failed to mention the lobbies that ARE crippling our nation such as AIPAC. He wants to ban legal guns but not break the monopoly-hold on all aspects of the media. This shows me the government has no intention of fixing the problem.

The 'media' includes radio, television, newspapers, magazines, book publishers, comic books, movies, video games, clothing, music.....anything that is promoted or published that influences people. The media is owned/operated by one group that began buying it up in earnest fifty years ago and since their ownership, our society has sunk to the present-day level.

President Reagan closed the orphanages and encouraged Children Services and foster care.  He closed the mental hospitals and put mentally sick people into homes in your neighborhood.  He deregulated everything from the trucking industry to the phone company, leading to higher prices and bad service.  He weakened the American dollar.  He did our nation a lot of damage.

Just the same as when a victim confronts his bully and solves the problem, we must confront the truth about how all this came about. Do the research.....you'll find out I am right.

Monday, December 3, 2012

European Superiority Complex, Jewish Persecution Complex and Self-Hating Blacks, oh my

Of the three destructive groups listed in the title, the Self-Hating Blacks are the least dangerous because American blacks realized long before whites how destructive Jews are, even though Jewish-led Civil Rights and the 60s Revolution tried their darnedest to change that. American blacks are more assimilated then the other two groups. Although Jews targeted the blacks as being a weak and needy group, after the glow wore off, blacks realized Jews were only interested in themselves.

The Europeans that came to this 'untamed' nation were English, French and Spanish, although the English took the lead. All three imperialist nations had done this many times and were accomplished ravagers of nations. They used their 'superiority' as an excuse to squash 'untamed' nations and devoid them of their natural and human resources.

This superiority is evident again in the thought that 'Europeans settled this land and therefore it belongs to white Europeans.' The problem with that argument is that until George Washington, this nation had a European attitude. That attitude was changed and was explained in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights. President Washington became an American, not a European.

Yes, the forefathers were white but even then, it was a struggle to convince the people here that they must separate from England. It was the first time in history that I know of where a nation in the grips of imperialism broke from England. We were indeed The Great Experiment.

Where did the Jewish Persecution Complex come from? Actually, no where but in the minds of Jews. Today's Jews were the Zealots that fled Jerusalem when Herod's Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD and fled to Masada. The rest of the people in the Middle East, mostly Semitic and assumed to be of the House of David, were not Zealots. The Zealots, aka Jews, were dispersed throughout Europe. Jews had no right to that land then and do not now.

And there has been much reliable research done on the 'holocaust' and that has proven (through records) that there were probably not even a million Jews in the camps (besides Catholics, political dissidents and impaired people) and that most did not die and certainly did not die from being gassed. This assertion defies logic and facts.

Decisions, negotiations and peace can all be worked out as long as emotions and vindictiveness stay out of the picture. Emotions include superior attitudes, persecution complexes and religion. Peace in the Middle East will never be accomplished as long as the illegal state of Israel exists. There was peace before Israel and there will be peace when Israel is dismantled and the U.S. stops supporting them.

What those 'superior' Europeans did to the native Americans and by bringing in African slaves is no different that what Jews are doing to Palestinians, YET people cry about the American Indians and do nothing to help the Palestinians. Well, some strong Americans did try like former Ambassador Edward Peck and Cynthia McKinney, Lebanon and some guys from Turkey.

Americans won't save our Republic. It will be done indirectly though Russia and China who should be our best buddies in the first place and not Israel. Israel is draining our nation of money and morality. Our forefathers got it right and so did our first legal immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Germany but Jews have the present-day American mind and heart and have given moral cowards the right not to think at all.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Be wary of signing those medical papers at the beginning of the school years that state the parent gives the school permission to medically care for their child. Most parents sign it because they believe it makes their child safe.

But guess what else that paper does? It gives the school the 'medical' right to take your daughter to an abortion clinic without your knowledge. http://www.judicialwatch.org/blog/2010/03/public-school-helps-girl-get-abortion/

Day Care centers check young children for any bruises and report that to Children Services without the parents' knowledge. And there is a possible new blip on the horizon. Is it possible that those Consent papers that parents sign might also give the school the right to inject a chip into children?

Keep your child safe in school. Don't let a teacher tell you that giving your child Concerta (time-released Ritalin) will make your child nicer, smarter and popular. What it gives them is seizures and a zombi-like demeanor.

The Birth of a Nation from an existing one

Egotistical Superiority

Northern and Southern people don't hate each other. The hate is in specific extremist minorities in Northern Ireland. Half the population is Catholic and the other half is Protestant. Catholics usually prefer to be categorized as Irish and Nationalist (or more extremists as Republican), while Protestants usually prefer to be categorized as British and Unionist (or more extremists as Loyalist). This friction was created by Britain and ironically, the Irish can't fix it.

In what was to become Northern Ireland, the lands of the independent Catholic Gaelic nobility were confiscated and given to Protestant settlers from England and Scotland. This is similar to what Truman, Britain and the United Nations did when they imperialistically took Palestinian land and gave it to Jews for the creation of Israel.

England, as usual, screwed up Ireland when they intervened in that nation and couldn't win the southern area. England then shipped in Scotts to Northern Ireland to help cement English control. The resulting killings and extremism--because of English politics and religion--still leaves the nation divided. Divide, create chaos and conquer.
Britain has screwed up many nations with their imperialism and trying to inflict their culture and language upon the conquered nations. Spain has done the same thing. Most people think of South Americans as Spanish but they were not originally. The Spanish went into S.A., conquered the people, stole their gold, gave them diseases and a new language all under the auspice of 'founding a new country.' They use the word 'found' instead of 'invade and ravage' to make people believe they are doing a good thing.

Look at this time line of the Spanish conquest of South America. The tactics used here by Europeans is used over and over again, even today.

1501: The Spanish colonists of Hispaniola begin importing African slaves
1503: Jews escape the Portuguese Inquisition by emigrating to Brazil
Nov 1519: Hernan Cortez reaches the capital of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan, and captures the emperor, Montezuma
1520: Smallpox outbreak in Mexico
Jun 1520: Cortez is defeated by the Aztecs
Aug 1521: Cortez defeats the Aztecs and conquers their capital Tenochtitlan
1522: Pascual de Andagoya explores South America and learns about the Inca gold
1524: Pizarro, the priest Hernando de Luque and the soldier Diego de Almagro organize an expedition in Panama to explore and conquer South America
1524: Smallpox outbreak in Peru
1524: Cortes' lieutenant Pedro de Alvarado founds the city of Guatemala
1528: Holy Roman emperor and Spanish king Karl V grants Venezuela to the Augsburg banking family Welser
Nov 1532: Francisco Pizarro defeats the Inca army led by Atahuallpa at Cajamarca after the Inca Empire has been decimated by smallpox and takes the emperor hostage
Jul 1533: Pizarro executes Inca emperor Atahuallpa
1537: Pope Paul III issues a Papal Bull to affirm that the Indios of Latin America are equal to Europeans and therefore entitled to receive Christianity
1538: African blacks are shipped as slaves to Brazil
1541: Pizarro is assassinated by an Almagrista
1545: Silver is discovered in Potosi (Bolivia)
1546: Silver is discovered in Zacatecas (Mexico)
1548: The population of Santo Domingo has declined from 100,000 in 1492 to 5,000
1550: Portugal ships female orphans and African slaves to the colonists of Brazil
1552: Bartolome` de las Casas's "Brevisima Relacion de la Destruycion de las Indias" is published in Europe, accusing Spain of having killed 12 million "Indians" since 1492
1553: Chile's governor Valdivia is defeated and killed by the Araucanian Indios
TM, ®, Copyright © 2008 Piero Scaruffi All rights reserved.
1554: Jesuits led by Jose de Anchieta found the mission and school of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
1555: French colonists build a fort in the bay of Rio de Janeiro (France Antarctique)
1555: Portuguese sailors transmit smallpox to Brazil, that exterminates the Indios of the coast
1556: The Welser are stripped of their rights on Venezuela
1565: Pedro Menendez founds San Agustin in Florida
569: Don Francisco de Toledo is appointed viceroy of Peru
1570: A tribunal of the Inquisition is instituted in Lima, Peru
1571: The Inca leader Tupac Amaru rebels in Peru but he is captured and beheaded
1574: There are 160,000 Spaniards in America
1576: A smallpox epidemics in Mexico kills more than a million people
1580: Spain forbids the American colonies from conferring any public office to mestizos (mixed-blood people)
1581: Brazil has a population of 57,000, of which 20,000 Portuguese, 18,000 Indios, 14,000 African slaves, and 5,000 mamelucos/mestizos
1585: Black slaves constitute about 25% of Brazil's population
1605: The population of Mexico has declined from 25 million (1490) to 1 million (1605), mostly due to diseases
1613: Smallpox outbreak in Brazil
1618: In Europe Spain fights against France, Holland and England in the "Thirty Years' War"
1624: The Catholic Church foments anti-government riots in Ciudad de Mexico
1624: Dutch colons colonize north-eastern Brazil
1624: England takes St Kitts from Spain
1627: England takes Barbados from Spain
1628: The West India Company seizes 170 thousand kgs of silver from Spanish ships at Cape Matanza in Cuba
1629: Brazilian paulistas/mamelucos (slave gatherers) attack the Jesuit missions
1651: Jews found Curacao
1693: Gold is discovered in Minas Geraes, Brazil, causing a gold rush in the West, and the center of power shifts from the Northeast towards Rio de Janeiro
1695: The Portuguese exterminate the Quilombo dos Palmares
1695: Gold is discovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil
1703: Spain authorizes the colonies to confer public office to mestizos
1713: The peace of Utrecht allows Britain to export African slaves to Spanish America (1,200 a year to Buenos Aires)
1729: Diamonds are found in Minas Gerais

And the pattern is used over and over again. The tactics the Spanish used, including the Popes, are the same as England's and France's. These tactics were also used in the United States during the mid-1900s, when foreigners began pouring into the United States not as legal immigrants, but as 'political refugees,' 'illegals' and later as professionals and engineers taking American jobs. But this time it isn't the Imperialists of old doing it.

Machiavelli was right: It is easier to injure a kind man because he cannot hurt you.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

MASADA—Never Forget

A story of mass suicide

In 2010, I watched a poignant story on the History Channel about the horrible Romans that wanted the Jews in Masada to leave. What it didn't say is where these 'Jews' came from, how they got to Masada and what they did. What they did was commit mass suicide at their leader's command....men killed the women and children, then the men killed themselves.

Who were these people that fled to Masada and stayed there for three years? The area of Judea and Palestine came under Roman rule a couple hundred years before Jesus. Most inhabitants of the area lived in relative comfort and peace because of Roman protection and tolerance. But there was a group of Rabbis, Pharisees that congregated in Herod's Temple, which was completed in the time of Jesus Christ. Jesus had visited the Temple often, trying to convince the Rabbis and Pharisees to stop taking financial advantage of the people. They would not listen. In fact, it was them and their leaders who were responsible for Jesus' death in about 33 A.D.

There were no 'Jews' in the time of Jesus. There were Zealots, however, that representated a small but , deceitful and scary portion of the population. The word 'Jew' was inserted into the Bible many centuries later. But the point is that 'the people' were not afraid of the Romans—they were afraid of the 'Jews', who I consider to be the Zealots. They separated themselves from others and considered themselves above the others. After all, everyone else was wrong and they were right so why mingle with the others?

In the Aramaic version of John 1:47, it states, “Yeshua saw Nathaniel when he came to him and said about him: “Behold, truly a son of Israel in whom is no deceit.” It was the DECEIT of the Rabbis and Pharisees that Jesus was preaching against.

By 70 A.D., the Romans had enough of these Zealots' greed and trouble so they destroyed Herod's Temple. Hundreds of these Zealots fled to the safety of Masada. Masada was a city on top of a rock mount and almost impenetrable. The Romans surrounded the city but the rock sides of the city were too steep to climb without being seen.

Two women and five children hid after their leader, Elazar ben Yair, told the Zealots that they would have to commit suicide rather than be taken by the Roman soldiers. Two woman and five children hid and recounted to Josephus how they hid and what their leader told them to do. He also told them to leave food out so the Romans would know they weren't starving. This message was important to the Zealots. And out of a mass suicide comes the reason Jews say they are persecuted?

So when Jews of today say 'Remember Masada' as an encouragement to always continue on with their ideologies and their refusal to assimilate with any country, they make no mention that the incident they are honoring is suicide. 'Jews' also committed suicide during the Crusades, so it seems that is a viable solution for them when they are cornered.

It should be concerning to Christian Zionists that support Israel by saying 'Israel has the right to exist...the Bible says so.'  Well, if they read a bit deeper, they will find the deceit lies with the Zealots and supporting an illegal country like Israel is a sin.

My research has proven to me that the Jews of today were the Zealots of Jesus' time. I wonder if the United States withdrew all financing to Israel and all of our military from the Middle East, if those Jews in Israel might commit a mass suicide? Interesting.

Post Script:  The Hale-Bopp Comet cult and the Jim Jones cult also committed mass suicide

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Review of the book 'Solving 9-11'

Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World
by Christopher Bollyn
Christopher Bollyn is an experienced journalist who began writing about 9-11 after the attack on the Twin Towers. He has proven, though his methodical research and personal experience, that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida could not have carried out the complicated, well-planned, and highly technical destruction of the World Trade Center buildings. He states that this terrorist act could have been twenty years in the planning.

He begins by identifying the terrorist groups responsible for false-flag acts dating back to 1946 and the King David Hotel, up to and including 9-11:  the Irgun, which became the Likud party in 1973, and the Israeli Mossad. He identifies the computer system companies that were put in place before 2001 and what their mission was.

He tells us who owned the remote-controlled airplane companies and who ran the IRS and government, military, and aviation computer systems. How super-thermite was applied to the inside of the buildings and who owns the companies that produce it. He explains why there was no communication from the FAA for almost an hour, which prevented the scrambling of US airplanes (NORAD), and identifies the Israelis in New York on 9-11 and whisked off to Israel right after the attacks.

“...Urban Moving Systems, the Weehawken, New Jersey-based 'moving' company that the men (the dancing Israelis) worked for, was actually an Israeli intelligence front operation and that at least two of the men, evidently the Kurzberg brothers, were known agents of Mossad, Israeli military intelligence.” p. 5

When stopped by police, these 'movers' had knives, multiple passports, thousands of dollars in cash and the van they were driving tested positive for explosives. The company's owner, Dominic Suter, was allowed to flee to Israel after the FBI interviewed him one time and the 'movers' soon returned to Israel. During an interview with three of the men on an Israeli television show, “they confessed that their mission had been to document the 9-11 attacks.”

Odigo, an Israeli-owned company, whose headquarters was two blocks from the attack, sent out messages to its Israeli subscribers “warning of an imminent attack at the World Trade Centers” hours before the first plane hit.

Bollyn quotes people from the German secret service, i.e. Andreas von Bulow and Eckehardt Werthebach (German intelligence), as stating that it was a highly sophisticated attack meant to turn public opinion against the Arabs and enable the War on Terror.

The author explains what floor the first plane hit (81st floor) and who occupied it and how the Zionist-controlled media refused to conduct its own investigation and promoted the “pre-planned wars of aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq...”

He names the Israeli industries that converted airplanes into 'fuel tankers' that could be remote-controlled by other Israeli companies. He names all the computer companies (Ptech and their associates) connected to Israeli terrorists groups (Mossad) that ran the Internal Revenue, Federal Aviation Administration, the U.S. Air force, Department of Defense and how they could have easily run a system side-by-side with the military, enabling these attacks on 9-11. After all, there WAS a fake military exercise going on at the same time as 9-11, which caused confusion when the real attack happened. He also explains the 'ethical hackers' of Riptech who hack into energy (utility) companies.

Bollyn explains the 'Florida connection' (front) businesses that Israelis used, clustered close to Arabs. “These guys were just committed zealots and willing to give it up for the cause without really being key members of the network,” Larry Johnson, former deputy-director of counter-terrorism for the U.S. State Department, said. “They were told what to prepare for, what to train for. They were not the ones calling the shots.” p. 128

Bollyn explains that after spending several years in Europe, Israel, and the Middle East in the 1970s, he found that the discourse about Zionism was extremely one-sided and distorted in the U.S. “Zionism, a nationalist ideology based on race, was misrepresented in the U.S. mass media as being a progressive and democratic movement while the state of Israel was depicted as being a kosher slice of American in the Middle East.” p. 146

There were like-minded Zionists in the U.S. Department of Justice (e.g. Michael Chertoff) and the federal court system that are protecting those who have obstructed any investigation of the evidence or cases brought forward by the families of the victims. ALL of the cases filed by these family members were settled out-of-court through Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein because the judge prevented the cases from being heard.

He tells how the steel salvage companies (Israeli owned)--that were responsible for cutting the WTC steel into small sections, mixing it with other scraps and sending it to Asian countries for meltdown before an examination by the F.B.I. -- were enabled by Michael Chertoff.

Bollyn states that a task this immense could only have been planned and executed by a highly technical team that infiltrated U.S. communication and government industries over a long period of time. Arabs have never infiltrated our government. And more telling is why would Israelis in our government cover up for Arabs and prevent an investigation that would have identified the culprits and what they did?

Christopher Bollyn has written a thoroughly-researched book on the question of 'Who did 9-11 and Why?' His 324-page book is a wealth of information about the Israeli groups, the men, and businesses that put themselves in place over several decades, and which enabled the Israeli Mossad to destroy the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001.

Bollyn's book is a 'No Put Down' story that compels the reader to read on. He intricately weaves together and identifies the network necessary to accomplish the attack against America, as well as other false-flag attacks perpetrated by Israeli Zionists, and has produced a tapestry that points to no others.

He has truly identified the culprits of 9-11 and proven it was not Osama Bin Laden or Al Qaida. It was a sophisticated group of terrorists, with ties to Israel and the Mossad, that brought down the buildings so that they could put into effect the War on Terror. And most Americans fell for the lie.

Monday, September 24, 2012


An Opinion Paper

Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir once said, “There is no such thing as a Palestinian.”

Well, come to find out, Golda was quite wrong. While traversing throughout history going back 35,000 years ago and forward to Jesus, it seems that Palestinians were there in the Middle East long before anyone calling themselves a 'Jew.'

First there was the Neanderthal Man, which was not genetically modern humanoid. Jump ahead 31,700 years to the Ice Man (3,300 B.C.) found in northern Italy (but from southern Italy). A 2012 paper by paleontologist John Hawks suggests that “the Ice Man had a higher degree of Neanderthal ancestry than modern Europeans.” Since the Neanderthals lived in Europe and the Near/Middle East and evidently did not adapt as well as the Cro-Magnums intelligence-wise, they died out but their ancestry is evident in the Ice Man. Cro-Magnums are fully human beings.

The Anatolia Region, 9,000 B.C., was bordered by the southern Turkey border and Iraq, Syria and close to the Near East. This is in present-day southeastern and center of Turkey. These people existed in the Neolithic Age. This was 5,700 years before the Ice Man died.

Jump ahead 7,508 years more to 1492 B.C. when Thutmosis II ruled Egypt with his half sister and wife Queen Hatshepsut. It is written that Hatshepsut was the young woman that found Moses around 1520 B.C. Give or take five years, Thutmosis III was born in 1490 B.C. to Iset when Moses was 30 years-old. Some writers believe that Moses was concerned about whether he would be Pharaoh but was already not concerned with riches and he refused to be called 'the son of the Pharaoh's daughter.' Moses insulted his step mother by turning his back on everything she thought was important. Both Thutmoses II and Hatshepsut were out to kill Moses for different reasons (the II to make his son the III heir) and were both 'Pharaoh's of the oppression.'

When Moses left Egypt, he went to Median. If 'Median' is a religion, it honored many gods. If it is a place, it is above Egypt in the Levant region (between Anatolia and Egypt on the Mediterranean) and perhaps where the one-god, WHW, began. Most believe that area now includes most of modern Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Cyprus, Turkey's Hatay Province and sometimes Iraq or the Sinai Peninsula. However, other researchers contradict this and say he was in the land of Midian, which is by the Gulf of Aqaba in Arabia on the east side of the Red Sea.

The next year after Moses left, Thutmosis II died and Hatshepsut began a co-reign with Thutmosis III. In 1458 B.C. Moses' mother, Hatshepsut, died at about 77 years old. Eighteen years later was the Exodus in 1440 B.C. when Moses was 80 years-old and Thutmosis III was 50. Some say that this group was made up of at least two different peoples from the Kingdoms.
By the time the 'Hebrews' left Egypt and went to Canaan in about 1440 B.C., that Egyptian strip was now Phoenicia, occupied by the old Canaanites, owned by Arabians and the exodus people avoided them. It must be noted that these departing people, from 600,000 to two million, stole Egyptians utensils and their armies pursued them only to turn back after a bad storm. Some believe the soldiers drown.

According to the Bible, it took these people 40 years to make a 250 mile trip that should have taken one month. Some researchers believe that is because those people lived in Midian at Mount Sinai, not the Sinai peninsula, for a long time. They also believe that after the Egyptian soldiers trapped the exodus people at Nuweiba beach, a sediment land bridge enabled them to cross the Red sea but collapsed on the army.

Egyptian records put the influx closer to 1600 B.C. and the departure around 1440 B.C. The 1440 B.C. makes more sense because once these people got back to Canaan, Solomon's Temple was built in about 965 B.C. He was the son of David.

Some documents state that the Pharoah Merneptah (1213 BC to 1203 B.C.) waged a great battle with 'the Nine Bows' at Perire in the western delta. The Egyptians won and laid waste to the land and took 9,000 prisoners. The Bows were led by the King of Libya with a concurrent revolt in Canaan involving Gaza, Ashkelon, Yenoam and the people of Israel.

Is it possible that these 9,000 prisoners could be the Influx of people into Egypt that is known as the Exodus people, which would make the captivity 200 years and not 400? Some sources say these people multiplied too much and outnumbered the Assyrian leadership and were told to leave Egypt. The Old Testament states that Moses came back and led them out.

By 1200 B.C. in Palestine, Canaan was divided into three areas: Palestine, occupied by the tribes of Israelites; Aram, occupied by the Armeans; and Phoenicia, occupied by the old Canaanites. So historical records show that Palestine was there first, not the Kingdom of Israel. In about 1200 B.C., Israelites (Israel league) stormed Palestine from Egypt delta and southern deserts.

The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah had major conflicts because Reboboam in Judah taxed northern Israel. Reboboam sent for Jeroboam (who left for Egypt because of Solomon) for his people to be under him but Jeroboam wanted their sufferings to be less and Reboboam said they would be more so Jeroboam became 'king of Israel' and honored gods called Ba'al, and Reboboam was in the House of David in Israel. It was Jeroboam and about 10,000 prominent citizens that were expelled to Babylon in 722 B.C.. According to Kings 1, “19 So Israel rebelled against the house of David, unto this day. {S}”

Reboboam then took his people to Schechem, a Canaanite city and also the capital of Israel. So, there was a major separation between 'the people of Israel.' Recent scholarship, however, is inclined to think that the real schism between the peoples did not take place until Hasmonean times when the Gerizim temple was destroyed in 128 B.C. The script of the Samaritan Pentateuch, its close connections at many points with the Septuagint and its even closer agreements with present Hebrew text, all suggest a date about 122 B.C. In 122 B.C. 'Jews' revolt under Bar Kokhba and the final Disapora of the 'Jews' begins.


Josephus gives the following account of the erection of the Gerizim temple: Manasseh (King of Judah, only son of Hezekiah, who died in 643 B.C., whose only son was Amon) married a foreigner and was threatened by 'Jews.' Manasseh cooperated with the Assyrians and revived the rural economy in the area. Some say that the trade led to great disparities between rich and poor, which in turn gave rise to civil unrest and as a result, some speculate, the Deuteronomist author or editor of 2 Kings later reworked the traditions about Manasseh to portray his outward-looking involvement in trade as, effectively, apostasy.
The Temple story is further complicated in time with the Samaritans altering their copies of the Pentateuch by substituting Gerizim for Ebal in Deut. 27:4 and by making an interpolation in Ex 20, and so claimed divine authority for the site of their temple. Antiochus Epiphanes, at the request of the Samaritans, consecrated it to Jupiter, the defender of strangers (2 Macc. 6:2). John Hyrcanus (reigned as high priest 134 - 104 B.C., died 104 B.C.) destroyed the Temple in 109 B.C.

But this split has an earlier history beginning with Judah and his two wives Leah and Rachel, who were in Egypt at the time of the Exodus. This does coincide with the possible return to 'the promised land' being around 1400 B.C. because this Israel nation (10-tribe confederation) idea was well established in about 922 B.C. This would have given the two young women time to have children. Leah is Jacob's first cousin and could have had blue eyes.

With the growth of the threat from Philistine incursions, the Israelite tribes decided to form a strong centralized monarchy to meet the challenge, and the Tribe of Gad joined the new kingdom with Saul as the first king. The Tribe of Gad was a part of a loose confederation of Israelites.
After Saul died, the tribe of Gad went to the northern kingdom under David who had been King of Judah, but was now king of all Israel. But Rehobaum, the grandson of David, in about 930 B.C. split from the House of David to reform a Kingdom of Israel named the Northern Kingdom. Then the story goes into Solomon burning incense, dying, and his servant Jerobaum ruling as the King of 'Israel.' The Assyrians exiled the southern kingdom to Babylon about two hundred and eight years later.

It is contended that around 900 B.C. Hebrew elders in Palestine began writing (or copying) the Old Testament, which is close to the time the 'Hebrews' got back to Canaan and it is possible that Moses did write most of it. Moses did dwell in the area of Mt. Sinai where it is said he could see Canaan. These people were separated by their genetic makeup, by their physical characteristics and their beliefs. The question at that time was, 'Do we honor God Yehwah or do we honor Ba'al the devil?' After the exodus, most of those people had finally come to grips about honoring one god and not separate idols such as Ba'al. One thing all these people were arguing about by the time of Christ was believing in one god and honoring Mosaic law. Jesus said the Kingdom of God was already on earth, a God more powerful than any man.

To differentiate those people living from the Middle East to Europe at that time, it is best to use language and characteristics that each had in common. The Hittitie Dynasty began in Anatolia in 1450 B.C.. The Hattians spoke a Northwest Caucasian language with phonemic vowels. A northeast Caucasion language was spoken in several countries including Russia and Turkey with smaller communities scattered throughout the Middle East.

Unlike the Semitic Akkadians and their descendant Assyrians, those Anatolian possessions were peripheral to their core lands in Mesopotamia. The Hittites were centered at Hattusa in north-central Anatolia by 2000 B.C.. (1,300 years after the Ice Man). The Hittite Kingdom at the height of its power was the strip of region of Canaan and above, taking up the center of what is now Turkey. Egypt ruled the area from Canaan south into Egypt.

Some say that “Tribes were either semetic or non-semetic which referred to their language of origin, and they were all middle eastern. The ancient tribes of that area were Ugarit, then Canaanite, then Hebrew, then Israelite, to modern day Israeli. The ancients of Mesopotamia were originally non-semetic, until they were invaded by King Sargon who was from a Semetic tribe and changed the language from Sumerian to Babylonian, which grew into Akkadian and Assyrian.”

In 918 B.C. Shisank, a high priest of Amon (Judah), stormed Palestine and robbed the temple in Jerusalem, devastaded (sic) Edom (to the south) and north Israel. These people of Amon worshiped idols. Some scholars, such as Abraham Malamat, assert that Amon was assassinated around 640 B.C. because people disliked the heavy influence that Assyria, an age-old enemy of Judah responsible for the destruction of the Kingdom of Israel, had upon him. The Hebrew Bible records his reign of about two years from 642 to 640.

In 803 B.C., Assyrian king Hadad-Nirari conquers Palestine states and Philistines. The Philistines and Hittites spoke an Indo-European language and the Semites from Canaan and the Amorites did not. However, considered 'distinct' from the generic Canaanites/Amorites are the Semitic Aramaens, Moabites and Ammonites.

There WAS a Kingdom of Israel (tribe) from about 930 BCE to 720 BCE. North became the Kingdom of Israel and south was the Kingdom of Judah. They separated after the death of Solomon. In 722 B.C. the second Assyrian king banished over 10,000 people from Samaria (in the center of the Kingdom of Israel) to Babylon and this was also about the time the Book of Moses was completed. Some people escaped to Jerusalem.

Although it is said Jesus lived in Nazareth, major excavations between 1955 and 1990 show that the settlement apparently came to an abrupt end about 720 B.C., when many towns in the area were destroyed by the Assyrians so by Jesus' birth, Nazareth was very small.

Also, although the Franciscan archaeologists at Capernaum found walls and pavements dating from the second millennium B.C., they discovered nothing from the entire Israelite period (1200 - 587 B.C.). If this is true, it could mean that the word 'Israelite' did not come about until Jesus' time.

In 586 B.C., Zedekiah and others defied Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar II who sacked Jerusalem (in the Kingdom of Judah), destroyed Solomon's temple and ended the Kingdom of Judah and took more people into captivity. Again, those people were sent to Babylon. Ezekial of the bible was taken to Babylon as a captive and 'Jews' were dispersed throughout Europe. Solomon's temple in Palestine (Jerusalem) was repaired again on March 10, 515 B.C. when the Persian king Cyrus II allowed them to do that. It was a modest version of the first. In 445 BC Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.

525 B.C. the Persian empire takes Afghanistan and defeated “the Armenians.” In 301 B.C. the Ptolomies and Seleucids divided Anatolia. As people populated Europe, the distinction of 'white' versus 'semitic' became evident. The Celts were in Northern Italy and then went into western Europe. During the next three hundred years, the Romans ruled that area and took the area around Milan, Italy away from the Celts. In 44 B.C. Cesar was murdered by Roman leaders wanting a return to the Roman Republic.

On April 17, 6 B.C. there was a rare alignment with the constellation Aries, marking an important date for the ancient astrologers who say it could be the year Jesus was born. Mary and Joseph took the child Jesus to Egypt to protect him but when Herod the Great died in 4 B.C., attended by Celtic bodyguards, they returned. This gives credibility to the assertion that Jesus was born in 6 B.C.

In 2 A.D., Roman decree permitted people in that area to follow their own religious customs and not the Romans' of 'many gods.' By 6 A.D., Judea was absorbed into the Roman Empire. In 20 B.C. Herod began renovation of the Second Temple, the Herod Temple (the one the Romans destroyed in 70 A;D.). It is believed that Herod was not ethnically a 'Jew' because he led a Roman army into Judah and conquered it by force. Herold the Great also built the city of Masada. Herod Antipas was King in Jesus' time.

In 3 B.C. the Star of Bethlehem was seen and one year later, Jupiter and Venus were aligned. It is said that the Three Magis went looking for Jesus when they saw the star and after their visit is when Joseph took Mary and the child to Egypt for safety. At that time, Jesus would have been two or three and Herod said to kill male babies in Nazareth 12 months and younger. There is no solid evidence that this slaughter of perhaps 20 babies occurred.

In 29 A.D., John the Baptist was beheaded by King Herod Antipas and Jesus moved to Capernaum, which was on the north shore of the Lake of Galilee. Around 30 to 33 A.D. Pontius Pilot orders Jesus' death. It is thought that Jesus died on Friday, April 3, 33 A.D., which would have made him about 39 years-old.

Flavius Josephus wrote much about the Essenes and the people of that time. In fact, he fought at Masada against the Zealots in the First Revolt by the 'Jews.' In 70 AD, the Zealots fled Jerusalem to Masada, where they lasted for three years. The Romans knew the Zealots started the First Revolt. Some historians contend that the 'Jews' at Masada were stealing from the Romans who wanted them gone. They would not leave the mountain-top area so the Romans chose to starve them out. After a year, the Zealots were all found dead, a result of suicide. The Jews of today hold Masada as a symbol of 'Never again.' The Masada incident is not mentioned in the Talmud. It is possible that the people at Masasa were the future 'Jews.' It states in John, that 'the people feared the Jews.'

John 9:22, “His parents said these things because they were afraid of the Judeans, for the Judeans had decided that if a man would confess him to be The Messiah, they would cast him out of the synagogue.” This fear is repeated in John 7: 11-13, John 19: 38, 7:13. In 12:42 he says, “Many also among the Leaders believed in him, but they were not confessing him because of the Pharisees, lest they would end up outside of the synagogue.”

According to Josephus, two woman and five children managed to hide during the suicides and told him that their leader, Elazar ben Yair, believed that the Lord had turned against the 'Jewish' people. He told the men to kill the women and children and then kill each other. He did not want them to be slaves so they destroyed everything but food to show the Romans they did not starve to death.

In 70 A.D. the 'Jews' revolt against Rome, Jerusalem was destroyed and Herod's temple was burned. Nothing much is heard about the 'Jews' until about 1255 A.D. when a young 'Christian' boy was playing ball and he fell in a Jewish cesspool and his body was found 26 days later when some Jews congregated there in Lincoln. They were accused of killing the boy 'for his blood' and 100 Jews were executed. The Crusades were from 1096 A.D. until 1272 A.D.


There were ethnically different people living throughout the area of Palestine and Judea by the time of Dead Sea scrolls, which were dated to around 167 B.C.. They were discovered in 1946 A.D. Before the discovery of the DSS, the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible dated to the early Medieval period (Masoretic Text).

Slightly before and after Jesus' time, there was much disagreement of who to worship or follow. There were many different sects during this time, such as the Essenes, that practiced celibacy, daily immersions and abstinence from worldly pleasures. The Essenes were of the Second Temple Judaism. They lived in Qumran, which was along the northwest area of the Dead Sea where the DDS were located inside clay pots that were Essenian. It seems these people did not write the scrolls but were involved in the production and collection of the scrolls. They were not Pharisees or Sadducees. There were thousands of them living throughout Roman Judaea. These Essenes do not describe the Jews of today.

We know one King of the Kingdom of Israel, Jeroboam I, honored Ba'al and it seems to be his people that were banished to Babylong in 722 B.C. (and perhaps again in 586 B.C.) when the First Temple was destroyed. Whoever these people were that kept getting persecuted and banished to Egypt or Babylon, there seemed to be a very small number of them by the time of Jesus and were located in Canaan and Samaria. He was not one of them by heredity and was more likely genetically Anatonian or was Celtic.


For the last part of this discussion about 'who are the true Israelites,' we will talk about the descriptions of Jesus (Yhshua) written by people who knew him personally. In the Archko Volume, chapter 'Gamaliel's Interview,' it states:
“His hair is a little more golden than hers (his mother Mary), though it is as much from sunburn as anything else.” “He is tall, and his shoulders are a little drooped; his visage is thin and of a swarthy complexion, though this is from exposure. His eyes are large and a soft blue, and rather dull and heavy...”

Pontius Pilate describes Jesus of Nazareth as more a friend of the Romans than of the 'Jews':
“His golden colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about 30 years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast between Him and His bearers with their black beards and tawny complexions!”

Pilate stated further, that he sent his secretary into the crowd listen to Jesus and, “my secretary reported that never had he seen in the works of all the philosophers anything that compared to the teachings of Jesus. He told me that Jesus was neither seditious nor rebellious, so we extended to Him our protection. He was at liberty to act, to speak, to assemble and to address the people. This unlimited freedom provoked the Jews – not the poor but the rich and powerful.”

Later, I wrote to Jesus requesting an interview with Him at the Praetorium. He came. When the Nazarene made His appearance I was having my morning walk and as I faced Him my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as a guilty culprit, though he was calm. For some time I stood admiring this extraordinary Man. There was nothing in Him that was repelling, nor in His character, yet I felt awed in His presence. I told Him that there was a magnetic simplicity about Him and His personality that elevated Him far above the philosophers and teachers of His day.”

And Publius Lentrelus, a resident of Judea in the reign of Tiberius Cesar writes:
“There lives at this time in Judea a man of singular virtue whose name is Jesus Christ, whom the barbarians esteem as a prophet, but his followers love and adore him as the offspring of the immortal God.”

He is a tall man, well-shaped, and of an amiable and reverend aspect; his hair of a color that can hardly be matched, falling into graceful curls, waving about and very agreeable crouching upon his shoulders, parted on the crown of the head, running as a stream to the front after fashion of the Nazarites. His forehead high, large and imposing; his cheeks without spot or wrinkel, beautiful with a lovely red; his nose and mouth formed with exquisite symmetry; his beard, and of the color suitable to his hair, reaching below his chin and parted in the middle like a fork; his eyes bright blue, clear and serene. Look innocent, dignified, manly and mature. In proportion of body most perfect, and captivating; his arms and hands delectable to behold.”


My educated opinion is that Jesus' (Yhshua) heritage did not originate in the area of Judea, although he was born in Judea in what is the West Bank, six miles south of Jerusalem. His physical features are more akin to Celtics that had been in the area for hundreds of years. The question of 'Who are the Israelites' and 'Who are the Jews' is a bit more complicated.

Jesus is said to have told Nathanael, according to the Aramaic Bible in Plain English (John 1:47), “Yeshua saw Nathaniel when he came to him and said about him: 'Behold, truly a son of Israel in whom is no deceit.” The word, 'Israelite,' then, seems to be more of a description or metaphor for a Good Man, or 'of good heritage,' possibly originating from the House of David. Excavations in that area where Jesus lived found no evidence of 'Israelites.' Some translators of Hebrew say 'lite' means 'enter' so perhaps the meaning is 'entering Israel' or 'entering the kingdom of God.'

On the question of the Jews, we know there were no people called 'Jews' in Jesus' time. The people were all 'citizens of Judea' and had the same traditions and ceremonies created through persecutions, hardship and slavery. We know there were Semites and Greeks and Egyptians in the area and that those in the north, where Turkey is today, spoke an Indo-European language. The confusion seems to be the use of the word 'Hebrew.'

Some scholars believe that 'Hebrew,' as language studies, are interwoven with cultural studies and the term also came to describe the extended cultures and ethnicities, as well as the history of these varied peoples as associated by close geographic and linguistic distribution. If not by language, at least they were able to read each other's books.

While there is nothing in the Hebrew Bible that states Jesus was 'Hebrew,' it is interesting that
in that Bible (assembled well over a century before Jesus' time), the word 'Christ' (Χριστός)
was used to translate the Hebrew. 'Christ' is derived from the Greek Χριστός (Khrīstos)
meaning 'the anointed' or 'the anointed one,' a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Māšîaḥ)
usually transliterated into English as 'Messiah.' In Matthew 16:16, the apostle Peter's profession “You are the Christ” identified Jesus as the Messiah in post-biblical usage. 'Christ became viewed as a name, one part of 'Jesus Christ,' but originally it was a title 'Jesus the Anointed.'

Jesus was not 'Hebrew,' although his legal father, Joseph, was of the line of Abraham. His mother, Mary's genealogy is not known. It is said that her parents were Joachim and Anne. Muslims believe Mary spent many years living outside the Temple in an apartment on the grounds. The meaning of 'virgin' in Christ's time was a woman that was not married, a maiden. All the peoples in that area of Judea and Palestine practiced the same customs and ceremonies. One problem with the Old Testament is that many names, authors and dates have been removed so the Book seems fragmented. Also, the old scriptures are regional and apply to the area they were written in. If Jews of today were truly 'Hebrew,' they would say that people who expose them would be 'anti-Hebrew' and not 'anti-Semitic.'

The argument between the people in that area before, and for a while after the Exodus, seemed to be between honoring many gods or one god. This split up families. By Jesus' time, many had adopted the one-god concept. Under Roman rule, the Rabbis and Pharisees became powerful and greedy, all living in a tight-knit area. Jesus did not live among them but did chastise them for their greed. Some say Judaism should be more correctly called 'Pharissism.'

There was no 'religion' in Jesus' time. Jesus was not against Caesar and the 'Jews hated Rome,' although the Romans were very tolerant of their customs but taxed them heavily for the exemption to practice what they wanted. Perhaps that is why Jesus said, "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's."

But Jewish sites such as http://mondediplo.com/2008/09/07israel contend that there were only two expulsions of 'Jews.' One in 586 B.C. and the other in 70AD. They do not mention the people who were in Egypt from the Exodus and state that 'Jews' came into existence after “a Jewish people which has existed since it received the Torah in Sinai.” This would explain the difference between those exiled and how the 'Jews' came into existence later. 'Jews' were the people hiding in Jerusalem from the first banishment to Babylon and then living back in Jerusalem under the Pharisees and Rabbis of Jesus' time. They were also the ones that killed themselves at Masada. Even Jews today say that, “Two thousand years of wandering brought the Jews to Yemen, Morocco, Spain, Germany, Poland and deep into Russia.”

Later, Jews called the Books their Torah (meaning 'instruction') and it seems they may have made some additions and deletions. Different faiths have a different number of books in the Old Testament. The books can be broadly divided into the Pentateuch. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Testament

And on the question of the Temples, none were constructed by 'Jews.' The first one was built by the returning people of Egypt in about 931 B.C. by Solomon. He raised up a labor force out of all Israel of about thirty thousand men. So the first Temple was not built by Egypt or any other foreign nation, although Phoenician craftsmen were employed to actually build the Temple. It took seven years to build. The First Temple was dedicated to Yehweh, the God of Israel, which would make sense as descendants of David. The Second Temple was clearly owned by Rome.

The First Temple was destroyed in 586 B.C. when those people in Judah under Jerobaum were banished to Babylon by the Assyrians. This Temple in Jerusalem laid in ruins until Herod the Great reconstructed it in the first century B.C. It is said that Herod had architects from Greece, Rome and Egypt plan the construction and that during a Passover visit by Jesus, the 'Jews' replied that it had been under construction for 46 years.

The second Temple, Herod's Temple, was built over the first Temple of Solomon and that location is considered to be where the Dome of Rock is in Jerusalem. So it seems that under Roman rule, those 'Jews' living in Jerusalem adopted Herod's Temple as their own and this is what has given rise to the idea of the Wailing Wall...that it belongs to 'their people.' It was those Pharisees and Rabbis who Jesus reprimanded that also were responsible for his death.

There is much overt hatred among many modern-day Jews against everyone else that I would call Judaism a negative religion. As Robert Farrar Capon stated, “Too often this leaves people mindlessly committed to the institution or clan that stewards the traditions, rather than the God who surrounds each of us with his love.

Pontius Pilate stated in his writing that giving Jesus permission to speak freely provoked the Jews, not the poor but the rich and powerful. The 'rich and powerful Jews' must have been the Pharisees and Rabbis living in Herod's Temple. Also, in some modern translations of the New Testament, John uses the word 'Jew' and in Aramaic translations he uses the word 'Judeans,' which I believe is more accurate.

In 1929 (A.D.)the Palestinians revolted against the Jews because of economic reasons. Arabs attacked Jews, who fled Jerusalem, and Brits attacked Arabs. The Shaw Commission found that the fundamental cause of the violence "without which in our opinion disturbances either would not occurred or would not have been little more than a local riot, is the Arab feeling of animosity and hostility towards the Jews consequent upon the disappointment of their political and national aspirations and fear for their economic future.” It was Palestinian land but the worst was yet to come.

The bombing of the King David Hotel, in Jerusalem, on July 22, 1946 was, according to former Ambassador Edward Peck, an attempt by a militant right-wing Zionist underground organization, the Irgun, to get the British out of the area. The Jewish militants tried to blame the bombing on Muslims by disguising themselves as Arabs. The building contained the British military command and their Criminal Investigation Division and they had already raided the Irgun's buildings and confiscated their documents. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing

The Dead Sea Scrolls contained five books in one single roll. They are also called the Books of Moses and The Pentateuch. Samaritan Pentateuch has close connections at many points with the Septuagint. The adoption of the Pentateuch as the sacred text of the Samaritans before their final schism with the Palestinian Jewish community provides evidence that it was already widely accepted as a canonical authority in that region.

Now, if there were now two separate nations in the Middle East called the SCEPTRE and the BIRTHRIGHT in about 922 B.C., brought about Rachel and Leah, and the north had all the tribes under the house of David, then the other family was supposed to bring about the Messiah. Since Jeroboam was only a servant to Solomon and 'when Solomon died he was attended by Celtic bodyguards,' is it possible that the heritage of Jesus' mother is Celtic?

The Old Testament books were written from about the 15th or eighth century B.C. up to around the first century B.C. when they were finally hidden in caves, depending on whether or not you believe Moses wrote the beginning. Although the books address one god and its connection to man, this seems to be the only difference separating those people from ones that believe in many gods. Many gods honors the created and one god, the creator.

But a main point is that many texts, including the Samaritan Pentateuch,.are similar. Protestants defend the Masoretic text's authority and argue that the Samaritan text is a late and an unreliable derivation from the Masoretic. There are thousands of differences between these texts but they are mostly similar. So, it seems that whatever the original text was, it was rewritten to apply to the people that followed certain leaders and their language. Written by different authors, who they were or when they wrote it or sometimes what they originally wrote, are erased from time. The Old Testament was supposed to be divinely inspired.

I found in Kings 2 that the Samaritan alphabet was “was used by the ancient Israelites, both Jews and Samaritans.” There were no 'Jews' in Christ's time but it does show there is a separation between 'Jews' and Samaritans. Also are mentioned Sepharvites, the inhabitants of Sepharvaim, planted by the king of Assyria in Samaria who worshiped many gods. Could these be today's Sephardic Jews—the only true ethnic Jews?

According to one writer, “This is an interesting insight because it requires a distinction between the Heberite Irish and those stemming from Spartans/Sabina/Suebi...in the same way that I should realize a distinction between the Iberi of Spain and the Sephardic "Jews" that named Spain. Again, there may have been a distinction between the Abreu/Abruzzo peoples and the Sabina. Again, the Kabeiri cult versus Saba-Zios. Okay, fine, the Manto-branch Avars lead to Italian Alba and then Scottish Alba. It makes sense that while the Albanians were the Aryan side ("alba" = white), the Manto term, belonging to the Cadusii, depicted the Hebrew/Semite side. Perhaps Manto was the same as Manes/Mannae.” http://www.tribwatch.com/manto.htm
The son of Manto and Tiberinus was made "Ocnus," which reflects "Cycnus" (Ligurian swans/Savona?) too much to be ignored. Indeed, It is said that Ocnus founded the Etruscan region of Mantua (modern Montova) in Lombardi (north Italy). Therefore, once again (as with the Caelians) we see that Alba leads to Etruscans. As Manto was a Tiresias bloodline, it explains why the region of Dauphine was immediately west of northern Italy.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocnus

The author of these web sites also believe that a sun-god toting eagle could have been a pre-Roman symbol of the Caucasians and that “the Semite side of Arabs, contrary to what we are told repeatedly by Arabs, may therefore be, not in Abraham's 'holy' son, Ishmael, but in the Kabala Semites.” http://www.tribwatch.com/coatDagestan.gif

The author concludes with, “Why was one of Saturn's moons given the name, "Albiorix," after (a) tribe? I would suggest that people now in charge of naming planets knew of this tribe's background in the evil god, Saturn. The so-called Golden Race of ancient times belongs to Cronus = Saturn. That's what the Golden-Dawn Illuminati of today still honors, the Golden Age ruled by the Golden Race. In their minds, the Golden Age is the time wherein dragon-line Hebrews everywhere are at the steps of rulers, pulling their strings to the point of manipulating markets to the advantage of their own financial interests.”

Yhshua spoke Aramaic, one of the many languages spoken to the north (where Turkey is today) and throughout the Middle East. The Dead Sea Scrolls were written in these languages; Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. There is an argument among researchers that the New Testament was written in Greek for wider distribution. Aramaic is still spoken by the existing Assyrians of Iraq, Iran, northeast Syria and Southeast Turkey. The original old language that most likely Moses wrote in was Chaldaean (as translated in the Septuagint). Yhshua was a good man, an 'Israelite.' He was not Semite and did not profess to be a King.

Jews today have no more property ownership in the Middle East than did any of the Ten Tribes. They only had a 'kingdom of Israel' for two hundred years and that broke in two. That land has belonged to Palestine and Judea for thousands of years. There was no land ownership because the Semites were a wandering group of people. Egyptians wrote about facts and those men of the Old Testament wrote about their lineage, history, persecution and enslavement and that they 'hoped' someday God would release them from bondage and make them rulers of the earth. Although today Jews are 'rulers of the earth,' their Messiah never came. 'Israel' will always be captive.

From 250 A.D, Jews have been expelled from 109 locations. http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/expelled.htm

Unlike the Semitic Akkadians and their descendant Assyrians...” is another example of how 'race titles' change in ancient Middle East. Pharaohs, Abraham and Judah all married their half-sisters but when Lot had children by his two daughters (Moabites), that broke the purity of his lineage and separated these Semitic groups even further.

Recent DNA studies reveal the Ice Man had an early DNA called K1ö and that another early DNA group called the mtDNA Haplogroup K, is rarely found in Europe but that 32% of Jews have it and K reaches a level of 17% in Kurdistan. “Multiplex assay study was able to confirm that the Iceman's mtDNA belongs to a new European mtDNA clade with a very limited distribution amongst modern data sets. Thus, it is possible to detect three individual female ancestors, likely from a Hebrew/Lavantine mtDNA pool, whose descendants lived in Europe/” On an 18 November 2005 broadcast of the 'Today Show, during an interview with Dr. Spencer Wells of the 'National Geographic Genographic Project, host Katie Couric was revealed to belong to the haplogroup K..

Must of the information on the internet and even modern Bibles, have substituted the word 'Jew' for anything that might relate to the words 'Judean' or 'Israelite.' Because of this corruption, and because most people cannot read Hebrew, the people that today call themselves 'Jews' have successfully put themselves into the places of holy men and kings (aka Hebrews). They have successfully put a persecuted people of ancient times who owned nothing, into the places of people in the Bible that were not 'Jewish,' so that they could claim Palestinian land as rightfully theirs.

Since 1948, the Jews of Israel have reduced the Christian and Muslim population into fractions of what it was pre-1948. After the 1967 Six Day War, they also kicked out most of the indigenous people of the Sinai Peninsula including the Arab Bedouins. If, as Jews claim, they are the people God loved, why do they murder, lie, steal and segregate themselves? That is not what Jesus said was an 'Israelite.' In contrast and sensibility to what Golda said is an ancient Arab proverb: “Men resemble their times more than they resemble their ancestors.”

The people that call themselves “Jews” today will not be content peacefully visiting the sites they consider holy. It is not about 'visiting' for them: It is about owning all the property in the Middle East so that they can successfully trade places with the true 'Israelites' that believed Jesus' message. Does the ancient Jewish mind still think in terms of 'the temple' that they 'will never forget' but never owned?

The Exodus people built the Solomon Temple in 931 B.C. because they had just returned from Egypt where they had helped the Egyptians build their structures. Jews consider Herod's Temple theirs including the wall also built around the city. 'Jews' did not build them. This reminds me of 'Crystal Night' when Hitler burned the Jewish merchants out but the property was mostly owned by Germans. And then, Jews in the United States put in insurance claims about it. What happened on Kristallnacht is no different than what happened in 70 AD so the question is: What is it that Jews do that ticks other people off?

I believe what they do that makes other people upset is that they act like single-minded con-men. They act like some ancient money changer in the Temple. People don't like any Group coming in and bilking them out of money to the point the Group is now in charge. Maybe because of their persecution complex and shame for having Jesus murdered, they will never assimilate because to do that would cause them to lose the identity they have falsely adopted and without that, they would just be the con-men they really are. And it IS that identity that protects them.


My conclusion is that for thousands of years B.C., most of the people in the Middle East were of Semitic origin. With all the foreigners coming in to trade, they tried to maintain a pure lineage but that was not possible so when a family broke away or had a different mission, it started another tribe. An American black cannot trace his linage back to an African from the 1600s any more than a Jew can trace his back to Abraham. In the case of the 'Jews,' however, they broke away because the Rabbis and Pharisees were responsible for Jesus' death.

And think about this: If Roman Emperor Constantine, 272 to 337 AD, had not thought up the idea of creating a 'religion' to control the people that only followed Jesus' teachings and his cross, none of this might have happened, even the Catholic Church. We still might be worshiping many gods. Jesus' followers, after 270 years, still hadn't organized anything.

While people today attach the word 'religion' to these beliefs, in ancient times gifts from nature were honored as gods. Greeks had Zeus and Romans had Jupiter. There were gods for everything from fertility to rain. Hinduism is considered the oldest 'religion' and it developed when the Aryan peoples migrated to Northern India and put their traditions into writing (1500 B.C.). The term 'religion' originated from the Latin noun 'religio,' that was nominalized from one of the three vergs: 'relegere' (to turn to constantly/observe conscientiously); to 'religare' (to bind oneself [back]); and 'reeligare' (to choose again). Of course, Constantine chose Latin for the Catholic Church.
Aryan means nobility and tolerance and pertains to the ancient Zoroastrian 'religion' of Iran. The Aryans, set in a time frame of twenty thousand or so years ago, were the original Aryans or Indo-European people of the days of yore. They have no connection to any Western political group. They were noble and tolerant people who considered all races equal and maintained that the righteous men and women of every country reached God - as was proclaimed by the ancient Avestan scriptures such as the Fravardin Yasht.” Sound a bit like Jesus' message?

Positively understood, then, religion is “a reconnecting to something important.” Negatively understood, religion simply means “a return to bondage.” and the concept of religion has been closely associated with the repetitious tying of oneself to inherited beliefs and behaviors, traditions and theologies. Too often this leaves people mindlessly committed to the institution or clan that stewards the traditions, rather than the God who surrounds each of us with his love.” Robert Farrar Capon

It is this word, 'religion,' that James plays with in James 1:26-27, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” So, if your deeds are pure and you help people, that is your 'religion.' Robert Capon continues with the idea that the opposite of Pagan religions is the worship of a deity that is used to identify someone's internal beliefs which may or may not be associated with any genuine faith.

So it seems logical that Constantine saw the benefits of organizing people by their beliefs and giving those beliefs a name....religion.

The Exodus people built the Solomon Temple in 931 B.C. because they had just returned from Egypt. It was Arabs that saved art and literature during the Dark Ages and it was Moors that built sophisticated metropolitan nations in what is now Spain and England, not the Jews living today in Israel.

I think the 'Judeans' that the people in John were afraid of were the Zealots, the precursor to today's Jews. It seems to be that people from Judah or Samaria were the ones being taken as slaves and I believe that is why Jews call their religion Judaism, which only came about after they adopted the Torah. They did not gain power until Herod the Great built his temple, which is the same thing that happened when Jews were given Palestinian land for the state of Israel.

I remember in Bible History class in the Old Latin Church, we were told that Jesus going to a wedding in Canaan and telling the story of the good Samaritan were unusual because these people were looked down upon.

Jews call themselves 'Jews' whether they are Zionists, Ashkanazi, Shepardic, Mizrahim or Hasidic, but they are all strongly united under the ideology of Judaism. Many Americans believe that 'Jew' is a religion, that is how confounded it is. They hide behind laws they say they created for the American black. But in the end, if you identify one crooked Jew, you have attacked ALL the Jews.

We know the Gospels were written at least 50 years after Jesus died and during this time the 'people were afraid of the Judeans,' not the Romans. These zealots must have started treating the followers of Jesus badly and casting them out of their synagogues and that separated 'the Jews' from the others in the house of David.

Jesus was most upset with the high priests in Herod's Temple. Jesus was pro-Roman and 'Jews hated Rome,' so Jesus could not have been one of them. The word 'Israelite' seems to be more of a description for good people that believed Jesus was the Son of God and therefore followed the line of David than any distinct race and 'Hebrew' seems to be more linguistic and cultural than racial, similar to Latin.

We are all Sons of God if we listen.


You do the Research:

