The reason I wanted to know is because people that call themselves 'Jews' today say they are Israelites. They are not. They were Judian citizens, just like the other races in that area. Read below, because this story is quite similar to what I have written, with a little more detail about when 'Jew' was inserted into the Bible and what word it replaced and why this lie is important to Jews today.
Century King James version of the Bible. First time 'Jew' appeared
in the Bible.
the time of Christ's
Mission, in the days
of His flesh, few of the citizens of Judaea were Judahites, that is,
direct descendants of Judah and so the "Chosen
People"; the
true recipients of the Bible Covenants. Following the destruction of
David's Kingdom (its dismemberment first by Babylonians and then by
Assyrian's) the forced depopulation of Israel and its people in Exile
and bondage, their release by Cyrus
the Great and their return and restoration of the Temple, the
population of Palestine was very mixed. Although some did indeed
belonged to the tribe of Judah and others to one of the other tribes
of Israel, many others were descendants of other patriarchs, but,
especially, of Esau. These were the Edomites
who had been conquered and now assimilated and become co-religionists
with the Judahites and remnants of the other tribes of Israel.
Moreover, this mixed race were melded together by a hybrid religion
developed during the captivity in Babylon. This is the religion of
the Pharisee .... Pharisaism ... the man-made religion of the
that is today called Judaism.
This man-centred, man-made religion was the religion vehemently
condemned by Christ since it is the antithesis of the Mosaic Law and
the prophets and makes the Word
of God of no
effect (Matt. 15:1-9).
Judah was the largest and the most influential of the Twelve
Tribes of Israel with
the governing right whose sons where to provide the rightful kings of
Israel. That is, they were the inheritors of the Bible
Covenants but especially the
Davidic Covenant. In short; the Chosen
People of Yahweh.
However, Jacob
prophesied (Gen. 49:10) the tribe would only maintain its
pre-eminence until "Shiloh,"
came who would then assume headship and receive the allegiance of
true spiritual Israel as Isaiah 9:6-7 foretold. That is, when the
Messiah arrived.
This is why Jesus'
lineage was established in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 to David, Judah,
Jacob and Abraham. So
that when He took the sceptre from Judah all who receive Him as
Messiah give Him
their allegiance.
modern misconception is that "the
Jews" are
direct descendants of Jacob and so the people of Israel, the true,
biblical Israelites. However, by the time of Jesus, because of wars,
enslavement, migrations and miscegenation, a Jew may or may not have
descended from Jacob. He could have been descended from a number of
patriarchs, especially Esau, since Edomites were then dominant in the
racial mix. However, although a disparate racial mix the Jews by this
time all recognised Pharisaism as their personal and state religion
and NOT the Law of Moses. And so, a point of uttermost importance:
someone who is called a "Jew"
in the Bible
is not necessarily a member of the tribe of Judah, a true Israelite,
or even a Semite nor are they an essential part of the Yahweh's
Chosen People,
a follower of Moses and the prophets. In the Bible,
a Jew is simply a resident of Judaea .... he is simply a Judaean ...
with or without the special status arising from blood of the Covenant
People. Yet, this
fact of historical identity has been subverted by a secret
force whose aim
is to use the ancient yet special status of the true biblical
Covenant People,
the true Chosen People of Yahweh, for their own very dark designs.
That is why this incredibly well organised and well-financed secret
force created a
meaning" for
the new word "Jew,"
which is not the
understanding intended by the 18th century redactors of the New
Testament. That is,
those who today call themselves Jews and arrogate the special status
as God's Chosen People
and all its privileges by claiming to be direct descendants of the
tribes of Israel and of David, Judah, Jacob and Abraham. Millions
claim this yet few of them are "Jews"
in the proper
sense as they are not "Judaeans"
or residents of
Judaea. That is: the so-called modern day Jews -the Modern
Tribe of Jews-
are not
Jews" of the
In other words, the Modern
Tribe of Jews
claiming the territory in Palestine that was Once the Holy Land are
not the biblical Jews, they are not the true biblical Covenant
People: they are not
to their "Promised
Land" because
they were never there in the first place ...
un-redacted "1611 Authorised King James
Pilate had posted over Jesus' cross that in the Greek is
"Ieous Nazoraios Basilius Ioudaios," which in modern
Bibles is rendered: "Jesus of Nazareth,
the King of the Jews"
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