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Sunday, January 21, 2018

White Supremacists – listen up

I am white, but not a Supremacist. I am an American. You guys need to be told how incompetent you are doing things. I'm telling you this to combat censorship and one-sided news.

You are doing right in facing down censorship. What you are doing wrong is almost everything. You somehow do not understand WHAT is causing the destruction of our Republic. For example, in Charlottesville, when YOU had the right to speak and the protestors did not, the police did not remove the protestors and you guys stayed. You need to have a plan when something like this happens. You all leave...quietly...and that makes the protestors look stupid. Then you file charges against the city for letting the protestors cause violence.

The protestors had a plan. They knew they could act all stupid and loud and aggressive and you guys would react. They were right. If you had left, they would have looked stupid and the violent people that they are. Remember – you can't have a fire without oxygen. Remove the oxygen. Walk away maybe even with signs that say 'We don't talk to anti-Americans.'

Research more than 'white.' Most of the bad people ARE white. They own our media (TV, movies, radio, newspapers, clothing, comics, video games...) and you don't have a chance. You ARE 'the other side.' The protestors at your speeches are communists, democrats, liberals and very WHITE. You need to pick a new message. Attack the cause, not the symptoms.

Yes, our forefathers were brilliant, kind and white but the white isn't the important part. These protestors are attacking our Constitution. You should be protecting it and exposing the attackers. Tell on them..

In our public schools, survivors of the 'holocaust' are welcomes into the schools. They would never allow someone like the researcher, David Irving, to speak. Yet, your group says nothing. Just look closely at the advertising commercials on television. THERE'S your enemy and recently it has become more black and white, black children with white parents...yet you don't see it. YOU are causing this! The media is combating you on every front and because of you, they are becoming more intense. Many Americans repeat what they see and hear, not what they have researched.

There is a speaker going to the University of MI soon, taking about the injustice in America. PLEASE STAY AWAY. Let the only protestors there be those white communists, democrats, liberals who hate President Trump. Let them yell and scream...to deaf ears.

Stop using the word 'white.' You will lose that war because our enemy in America IS white-looking. All the public sees is White against White and they can't see or hear the message. Think of our Republic and what it is based on. E Pluribus Unum...our of many, ONE. These protestors are anti-American. They are idealists and bleeding hears. You can't fight that. But you can attack the stupidity and unAmerican activities. Look for those as examples such as Martin Luther, Joseph McCarthy, Henry Ford...who tried to warn us and instead, made the bad people stronger and more determined.

Point out the bad people's strategies and when you don't go to that speech or rally, tell the media you didn't go because of the anti-American protestors. You have better things to do like upholding our Constitution...getting rid of bad decisions in our courts...strengthening our borders...stopping lies in our media.

Put up billboards and sell magnetic signs for our cars. BE KIND. Do it with a kind heart. Your message is somewhat correct but too narrow. This is about all of us Americans. Whatever you SAY will be used against you, so make sure what you say is kind and very American. Not racial. Not one-sided. Not unachievable. Keep it simple. Keep it safe. Show the public what you are for, because your message is sorely lost when the protestors and media shows up.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Zuckerberg, of Facebook, stated around January 8th that Facebook contributed in getting Trump elected and that is bad and he is going to FIX that in the future. At the same time, I saw Margarita Simonovna Simonyan in a interview. She runs Russia Today and is the person that has taken RT into a polished TV show. Top notch.

Zuckerberg is boo-hooing about Facebook contributing to Trump's election. Margarita states that France and Britain said on Facebook that they were behind Hillary. She questioned why the double standard and the discrimination against Trump. She is a diplomatic, common sense, intelligent Russian woman and well worth listening to.

Those Democrats, Liberals, Socialists, Communists and Jews just HATE that a man like Trump, a pro-American, got in office and is going to get rid of the garbage. The garbage, which is white, are the same Democrats, Liberals, Socialists, Communists and Jews that are screaming and scheming to get rid of Trump. He jeopardizes their future!

The same propaganda the Jewish-run American media has been shoving down American's throats for sixty years is the same message being used on Trump to make people afraid to speak up. Don't fall for it.

The woman at some gala Hollywood event, including Oprah Winfrey, are saying that “People have the right to speak up! You should not be afraid!!” Glad they've given us permission because I have a lot to say negative against the Left, the holocaust and other ADL/Civil Liberties lies.