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Monday, July 15, 2024

THIS is how you handle Bullies!!


On Sunday, July 14, the day after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life, Nora O’Donnell was hosting a special show about it and about 8:40 pm she introduced Kevin McCarthy. Nora said to him, something to the effect, “Is Trump going to lower his rhetoric now that this happened?”

Kevin was shocked and said, ‘The man was within an inch of loosing his life and you ask that?!” Then Kevin said, “Let’s talk about Biden. A week before, Biden put a Bulls Eye on Trump’s head!!”

THAT’S the way you handle Nora, the Bully. Fast and to the point. Nora wouldn’t look at the camera and kept fiddling with her pen.

Sunday, July 14, 2024



I am 77 years old. I went to Catholic schools. We had no bullies in school because if we did, we would be brave and handle it ourselves. Through life, I have found that since 1980, Public Schools have changed. I can prove it.

The 1980s started this ‘Anti-Bullying’ campaign. I began to notice that the more Anti slogans they used, the worse it got. Thank goodness, by son got through it and graduated 1987. But my granddaughter was in the worst. She was eight years old and going to Catholic schools and she had a friend named Mohammad who was adopted and one day he wanted to cut in line. She said, ‘No, get to the back of the line.’ He threatened her. She told a counselor, who blew it off. The next day Mohammad brought a knife to school and showed two boys in his class who knew about my granddaughter. He had it in a backpack. The boys told a counselor who checked the backpack and Mohammad was expelled.

But NO ONE at the school was concerned! No one notified police. No one apologized to my granddaughter for not believing her. Her mother didn’t care. My son had no input and no one would listen to me. I was a police officer. But I really got an eye-opener when I taught as a Student teacher (a sub) for eight years in Michigan.

What I saw were teachers that bullied or they did nothing. I loved most of the kids there. In high school, one student told me when a student has to go to the Office to get medicine, the teacher announces it so all students know ‘he has an issue’ and then bully them. In Middle School, where they put post-it-notes on lockers on how ‘How to be nice,’ it was worse. In grade school one class, the teacher ‘warned’ me about this one kid but after an hour, I noticed it was two boys that were aggregating him to get him to act up and get angry. I talked with the boy and had no problem with him and wrote to the teacher about the boys. She ignored my letter. I saw the teacher a couple months later and asked her how the boy was doing. She had a blank look on her face!

So, the Catholic School did nothing but recommend the child take Ritalin, and the Public Schools were the same! I tried. Maybe you can do something about it because the schools are raising kids who do violent things!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Emperior has no clothes on - Joe Biden

 President of the U.S., Joe Biden, has no clothes on.

No one has said it yet, but the Emperor, Joe Biden, has no clothes on. He is so caught up with the stories his Advisors tell him, he believes it. Let me name a few of his Advisors: Jeff Zients, Ron Klain, Blinden, Janet Yeller, Marrick Garland, Mayorkas, Wendy Sherman, A. Newberper and David Kohen to name a few. Sorry for the incorrect name spelling, but this is a story, you know. These people are giving Joe Biden a lop-sided view of what should matter to the United States. But see, it matters to THEM.

And because Joe Biden isn’t in his correct mind, he is influenced by these people. These Weavers are telling Joe Biden these are the right decisions to make, but what they are weaving are lies suited to their own personal gains, not the United States. And The People can SEE it! At least the children can. “But he hasn’t got anything on,” a little child said.

No one yet has the courage to say it yet, “The Emperor has no clothes on.” But like every dream fed us by the Media, the People will eventually wake up from their nightmare, rub their eyes and exclaim, "Yeah, we knew it all the time."